studio info...

hours... tuesday-friday 9-4 (later by appt. only)
saturday (appt. only)
closed sunday and monday



open house...

hey ya'll... my assistant teresa is selling a line of products by thirty-one, a christian based company founded on Proverbs 31... it has lots of neat ideas for christmas presents... purses, handbags, back packs, woven baskets, wallets, thermal insulated totes, etc... if you want to view any of these products you can go to anyway, the point of this blog is to invite anyone that is interested to an open house that she is hosting this Monday, Nov. 3rd, from 4-6pm at Mike's Catfish (use the side door please)...stop by on your way home from work and shop or just come by to say hi and browse... we hope to see you there! kim

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