studio info...
hours... tuesday-friday 9-4 (later by appt. only)
saturday (appt. only)
closed sunday and monday

oh these beautiful girls... they had so much fun taking their pictures... that makes my job soooo much easier... here's a little peek... hope you like... kim

working on finishing cash's pictures up this week... he didn't really like having his picture made but we finally made friends and got a few cute shots... it had just rained and was miserably hot and humid... abby, i will be finished up in a few days... the schools have had me really busy... hope you like... kim

this little one is too precious... we tried the studio setting but she really didn't like that so we moved outside and had a little more success... i enjoyed getting to visit with samantha... wow, how life has changed since the og class of 1993... it is always fun to catch up... hope you like the
oh yeah, thanks to my good friend tracy for giving me the flower headbands... too cute and will be ya girl!

ms. lexi raye is a hard one to get a smile from but we managed to get a few good ones anyway... i love the one of ashley and lexi together... too precious... and the blue eyes on the blue wall... love, love,love.... hope you

okay teri... here's your peek... working on them now... should be done sometime next week... hope you

this little guy just didn't know if he really wanted to have me pointing my camera at him that day but luckily we braved the heat and got a few that i really love... hope you

how time flys... it seems like we were just doing ellie's pictures for her birth announcement and wow! we are already doing her 3 month pictures... she has to be one of the happiest babies... she has the biggest smile and beautiful blue eyes... hope you like... kim