studio info...
hours... tuesday-friday 9-4 (later by appt. only)
saturday (appt. only)
closed sunday and monday

my good friend anna claire had this great idea to do this for her father-in-law for father's day just about one week before father's day BUT seeing as how she is one of the ones that really pushed me into my new career i owed her one and we made the deadline! just wanted to share their cuteness with you! PRECIOUS!

surprise julie! after the shoot, we really didn't think we had any good shots of the kiddos but i was pleasantly surprised after editing with the way they turned out! here are just a couple of sweet shots. kids being kids ~ it's what i love!

this sign is great! i saw it at a friend's house and loved it! sooo me!!! it really sums me up right now!
due to vacations, seminars, and a ton of editing to catch up on (not to mention ~ my life), i will not be booking anymore sessions for the month of JULY! i will be in the studio during the month for viewing, ordering, consulting, and booking for the fall!
to all my christmas card clients, i know that it is july and you don't want to think about christmas but it will be here before you know it. please don't wait to the last minute to book your appointment. this year, i will post a deadline for bookings for cards! please check back in a few weeks for the deadline.
thanks for your understanding!
just wanted to let my clients know that i will be attending a seminar so the studio will be closed and i will not be accepting phone calls from sunday thru tuesday, july 1st. i will be working on the 2nd but will leave again on the third going on vacation for a few days. i will be back in the studio for ordering, etc. on july 8th. thanks and have a great 4th!

baseball pics are posted on my website ~ go to proofs and put in baseball for code. couldn't get it to load on oghs page.

i am finally finishing up the lairsey wedding. this couple looks so great together. so happy!! just wanted to share one of my favorites. best wishes for a happy marriage!

i just had to post this picture that i took of bo at his birthday party this spring. he never smiles for me when i ask him to but put a caterpillar in his hands and "magic" he gave me a good smile. he turned 7 on may 1st and will start second grade in august (he's praying that he gets in mrs. dettenhaim's class!) have a good day!

due to brittany being put in the hospital just weeks before the wedding, we were not able to do her bridal shots until after the ceremony. but, that was okay with me~ don't have to be sooo careful with the dress. we had a lot of fun on the shoot and a lot of sneezing!! hope you like the samples!
i finally got seth & ellie's pictures finished. we took a few shots for a birth announcement in the middle of the end of school, 5 weddings craziness that i had going on. these are a couple that i just loved.

ashlyn's little brother was among my little rugrats that i photographed at wee care a couple of months ago. well, we couldn't let zander be the only star. ashlyn had a lot of fun shooting that day. here are a few of my picks!

this girl knows what she is doing in front of a camera. we had a lot of fun on the shoot. we actually shot the pictures in the spring but i just had to share a few of my favorites.